Wednesday 28 March 2012

Further evidence to why we chose to film swans

A poem by famous poet William Yeats-

The Wild Swans At Coole

THE trees are in their autumn beauty,
The woodland paths are dry,
Under the October twilight the water
Mirrors a still sky;
Upon the brimming water among the stones
Are nine-and-fifty Swans.

The nineteenth autumn has come upon me
Since I first made my count;
I saw, before I had well finished,
All suddenly mount
And scatter wheeling in great broken rings
Upon their clamorous wings.

I have looked upon those brilliant creatures,
And now my heart is sore.
All's changed since I, hearing at twilight,
The first time on this shore,
The bell-beat of their wings above my head,
Trod with a lighter tread.

Unwearied still, lover by lover,
They paddle in the cold
Companionable streams or climb the air;
Their hearts have not grown old;
Passion or conquest, wander where they will,
Attend upon them still.

But now they drift on the still water,
Mysterious, beautiful;
Among what rushes will they build,
By what lake's edge or pool
Delight men's eyes when I awake some day
To find they have flown away?

This poem showing that Swans are loved and are seen by many as beutiful creatures and a symbol of love and romance. We used swans to create a symbolism of the characters' strong love especially to emphasise the loving close relationship during the date flashback.


We purposely filmed Swans in our flashback scene when the main characters of our film are on a date. They are walkign along the side of a river having fun and laughing. We purposely waited for a group of swans to swim by. We lured them in using bread. Swans traditionally been used to convey romance for example swan pedal boat rides.


We had a very sucessful viewing and gained extremly positive feedback from a group viewing of about 35 people. These people espcially enjoyed and were stunned with the climax of the boy leaning and jumping over the edge of the tall building. We heard audible intake of breaths and comments such as 'I hope the boy isn’t dead'. This is very reasuring and provides evidence of the feeling and emotions I wanted to create when audiences view my movie. They also felt that the location was extremly realistic and made the situation of the boy even more shocking.

The viewing audience of our film included the targeted age group of 18-40+  with a mixture of genders. Both genders as appealed as the other. We also had younger age groups which were very intrigued and grabbed by our film opening. This suggests that our film may appeal to an even wider audience than previously thought and so the chances of our film becoming a sucess is extremly postive.