Friday 9 December 2011

Our storyboard animatic

First we drew 9 scenes on paper and then cut them out at took individual shots of the scenes on photo booth and then edited into an animatic movie on imovie. The video above is our finished product with part of the soundtrack we will be using.

The images below show our stages of producing our animatic:

Thursday 8 December 2011

Film distribution research

Last lesson we looked at how and by whom are film distributed, we researched ways in films are distributed and promoted as well as the distributing companies and the types of films they are likely to distribute.

A website we used in our research process was

What is film distribution?

Distribution is the highly competitive business of launching and sustaining films in the market place. It's vital to the health of the film industry as a whole. Films don't become well known, or find their place in the world, by accident. The distributor's challenge is to bring each one to market, starting from scratch (except for a sequel) and realising its potential.Like other forms of entertainment, the film business is product-driven: the films themselves are the main reason why we buy tickets.

There's an insatiable, deep-rooted desire for great stories on the screen as well as in print. But today more than ever, consumers callthe shots, deciding for themselves what information to receive or reject, access or delete. So how do people get to know about the range of films on offer and come to feel they really want to see some in particular?

Friday 25 November 2011

Practice production ident for coursework

Above is a taster of my group's production company ident. Our production company is 'T H T Prod.'. We decided to call our production company THT prod, as each of the THT letters stands for each of our surnames 'Thornton, Harrop and Tsang'. We felt that this was also similar to the word 'TNT' which is a type of explosion. This has then given us an idea of having the letters explode on to the page. This fast paced and loud ident will grab the viewer from the very start of our film opening.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Art of the title



Dawn of the Dead title sequence consists of many shots and types of angles.  The title sequence has a focus on the colours Red, black and grey. These colours are very traditional in horror films.  

The colour of red connotes blood, gore and danger whereas black connotes death and depression. The styles of the titles themselves are shown drenched in blood. The font is a bold san serif text. Blood appears to sweep the text away connoting that the film is violent and gory.

The sequences show many scenes of fighting and distress that sets a suspenseful and tense viewing for the audience. We are shown a glance of the zombies, this timing makes the title sequence look more thrilling as the audience will not know what might randomly appear after the text has shown. This increases the attention of the audience. The use of fast paced shots creates suspense.  

The style of the title is bold and red to show the importance of the letters. 'Dawn and Dead" are shown in big bold letters which indicates what the film is about. The title ‘dawn of the dead’ connotes the meaning of the dead waking up. The word ‘dead’ is a depressing and dark phrase that already sets the theme of the film and provides the audience with what type of genre the film is. This engages the reader.


This title sequence relies much upon its dark and gloomy colour scheme. One of the main colours used is red; this possibly connotes blood and therefore provides viewers with an insight into the movie. The colour Black is very enigmatic. It is a mysterious colour as it is used to make shadows as well as objects that viewers find hard to imagine what they are and so creates suspense and tension for the viewer. Enigma is a common convention of the thriller genre. The black may also connote darkness, dark heartedness from the villains or even possibly a night scene. All of these contribute to the suspense that the viewer endures.

The graphic imaged backgrounds are bold with negative and positive colours being shown. The picture is not soft and easy on the eye and appears to be more aggressive and violent than films of other genres such as a romance or an adventure film. The title sequence also has an image representing a Gunman. This is also another common convention and connotes that there will definitely be violence. The angle of this image pans upwards, making the viewer feel threatened and inferior. The graphic images are similar to images of a comic novel.

A house is identified and highlighted in red; this suggests that this is the house of the target the villains wish to take hostage. The Red house connotes the aim mark of a gun. The Titles are also clearly laid out within the scenery of the background.

This film is clearly set within America, we can tell this as the houses appear to be traditionally built in an American style. The police car is very contrasting to an English police car. The Main title ‘Hostage’ reveals specs of blood showing that there will be violence and gore within the movie. The Titles sequence makes the viewer feel that someone is watching something or someone. There is a Wide variety of camera angles and shots including panning, point of view, tracking, low and high angle shots.

This title sequence clearly represents and is introducing a film of a violent and fast paced genre such as a Thriller.


The major way of how this title sequence creates tension is through its use of low key colours. These colours are used to replicate a night sky. This creates mystery as viewers are placed in an extra terrestrial setting. The setting is dark and unusual and so places the viewer in a feeling of false security and so viewers may become anxious and tense. This scene possibly gives the audience a spectacle of the atmosphere and scenery of space.

In the title of ‘Aliens’, the ‘I’ glows and is in contrast with the rest of the scene. This may represent the moon or an eye of an alien peering at the audience. This creates fear and suspense for the viewer. The titles are clear and presented with a bold font. This is in contrast to the background. The font colour is white and so stands out and grabs the viewer’s attention.
A similar background has been used in many of the title backdrops. Little clues have been given about the aliens themselves and do not provide the audience with any insight into what the movie will present them with. This creates suspense and false sense of security.  The angles and camera shots in this title sequence have been kept constant throughout.

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Recently the Media department at my school bought the entire adobe software. This included much software including After Effects, Through After effects we are able to create and edit many videos, pictures and even produce our own Ident for a movie. As a class we were to learn the software in order to make moving image idents for our brief of producing a thriller.

Below is my first practice attempt to produce my very own Ident. I named the production company 'Harrop productions'.

Monday 3 October 2011

My Media World

Task: Answer the question: What media do I use? How does it affect me and the world I live in?

I have a mobile phone Blackberry Curve. I mostly use my phone for communicating with my friends and family. Through my mobile I am able to contact and keep in touch with my friends through phone calls, texts and bbm (BlackBerry messenger-a free messaging service to blackberry users).
If I upgraded, I would choose an Iphone4 as this phone allows me to use many useful applications that I cannot get on a blackberry including games, travel etc. I would be able to use these games and apps to keep me entertained and useful for when I need to find out information quickly. The Iphone also has a better quality camera than the Blackberry.

      To keep in touch with my friends, I use my mobile phone and social networking sites such as Facebook. Through facebook I am able to view photots of my friends, chat,                     view friends posts and keep up to date. 


     If I want to see a film:
  •       I tend to go to a cinema 
  • Rent a film from services such as Blockbuster or Lovefilm.

I tend to like to watch action and horror genre films.

I keep up with films by:
  • Watching trailers online
  • By watching television adverts.

I tend to book cinema tickets online as this will save me time and often guarantee me a seat  for the film I want to see in advance.

            Music is important in my life.
H   How do I listen to my music:
  •      With an ipod
  •      my laptop,
  •      radio 
  •      television music channel.

      I pay for music using iTunes. I like playing video games for entertainment. I can also socialise with friends through online gaming such as Xbox live.  I use the internet for 3 hours on weekdays and 2 hours at the weekend, I use internet to socialise on facebook, listen to music and often to help me with my homework.

In the future, what I think would be useful technology is a robot that can take care of household choirs.